Established in 2015, Lost The Plot began promoting neurofunk and tech-infused drum and bass events across Bristol, showcasing world-renowned artists including Maztek, Xtrah, Emperor, InsideInfo, Stealth and many more.
2018 sees the inception of Lost The Plot Records, an imprint set to provide a platform for ‘the next generation of tech-driven music and its producers.’ Tomorrow night they celebrate the latest addition to their roster and their second label release with a launch event at The Attic Bar in Bristol. The labels latest offering comes from Bristol-based producer & DJ Extraction (aka James Stephenson). Having spent the last 5 years fine-tuning his live performance and production skills, creating a consistent and soon to be recognisable sound palette and earning support from his fellow producers, Extraction is one to keep an eye on (as the LTP boys picked up early on).
DJ’s on the night include Vowel (Lifestyle) Creatures (Delta9) Jestah (Lost The Plot) Baitman Swell & Extraction (Lost The Plot). Expect dubplates and dancefloor destruction from some of Bristol’s very best upcoming drum & bass producers. We’ll be having a closer look at the release and a chat with the LTP boys over the next week but for now, you can check the release below, and Bristol heads, if you’re about tomorrow night you can check the launch event details here.